dijous, 12 d’abril del 2012

Nous detalls de Doctor Who

Que aquests dies s'estan gravant nous capítols de la setena temporada de Doctor Who no és un secret. Més aviat és bastant fàcil trobar-se fotografies dels protagonistes pels sets de rodatge. A més, s'ha d'agrair la gran afició que té l'Arthur Darvill (Rory Williams a la sèrie) de penjar qualsevol foto a Instagram - twitter.

Però no només això, gràcies a Doctor Who Magazine em pogut tenir accés a la proba de guió que va fer Jenna-Louise Coleman per aconseguir el paper de la nova companion. Tot i tenint en compte que Jasmine segurament serà un nom provisional i que el més probable sigui que en Moffat no inclogui aquestes frases al guió final no podem evitar començar a sentir els nervis per la nova temporada.

A gaudir!

The Doctor and Jasmine are investigating a haunted house.
DOCTOR: So you saw it coming in here? What did it look like?
JASMINE: Grey. Sort of dusty. Like it was made of spider webs.
D: And it came through the wall.
J: Yeah, that wall there.
D: But you don’t think it was a ghost. Why not?
J: Because there’s no such thing as ghosts.
D: You know, a lot of people who saw what you saw wouldn’t still think that.
J: Obviously. Otherwise there wouldn’t be idiots who believe in ghosts.
D: What were you doing here?
J: I love this place. It’s… beautiful.
D: It’s falling apart.
J: It’s old. I love old things, they make me feel sad.
D: What’s good about sad?
J: It’s happy for deep people. You’d know.
D: I’m not sad.
J: Oh, you are though. Under all that talking and leaping about. Takes one to know one.
D: So you come here for… recreational sadness?
J: Yeah. In a way. Okay, why are you looking at me like that?
D: You remind me of an old friend of mine. Someone I lost a long time ago.
J: Down boy. I’m not her.
D: Oh, I know you’re not – I don’t believe in ghosts either.
J: Oh my God, what’s that?
D: Okay, just stay calm.
J: But that’s the thing I saw before.
D: Yep, and it’s coming towards us. I expect you noticed that. Say it with me – I don’t believe in ghosts!
J: I don’t believe in ghosts!
D: Louder! I don’t believe in ghosts!
J: I don’t believe in ghosts!! Will this work?
D: No idea, never met a ghost before.

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